Case Study
Specialist Waste Management - Aluminium Foundry

Specialist Waste Management - Aluminium Foundry

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Specialist Waste Management Foundry

Supplier Relationship Management

Challenge / Requirement

The client was a new multi-million pound start up (greenfield) Aluminium die-casting foundry, during the initial start-up and testing phase all waste management streams were difficult to manage due to limited history and prone to large fluctuations as different areas of the foundry came online. The most troublesome was the specialist waste generated from the aluminium melting process (Dross) and waste products from extensive testing which could not be re-melted. To allow flexibility and help build a database of statistical trend information this specialist waste was initially managed on an adhoc informal agreement with a specialist scrap metal company. This arrangement quickly became unmanageable due to the ramp up in waste produced.


A period of assessment and collaboration followed with the client’s senior engineering stakeholders and the incumbent supplier to develop an overview of past and current demand for the service and create a forecast for the following 12 months requirement. With this information a robust service development plan was implemented with the supplier capturing the process for collection of current requirements and any changes required to accommodate the progressive increase in requirement.


The development plan allowed for more efficient operation between client and supplier with full accountability and expectations documented. All potential opportunities for cost saving or service development were captured and appropriate resources and focus assigned to each.


The change averted further frustration between parties and promoted a collaborative approach with has allowed the client to develop their business requirement while maintaining a cost effective service which aligns closely to their ISO 14001 status.


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